der Rest ist Kunst, Kunst der
Diskretion sich selbst gegenüber
Max Frisch, Montauk


You enter a wide and spacious room. Dim light is flowing in from an opening in the ceiling and from the garden that is greeting from behind a long row of windows. On either side of the room are several doors which obviously lead to the kitchen and the Cellar.

The white marble floor gleams in the moonlight. The windows leading to the garden are wide open and a soft breeze is moving the curtains. It is a beautiful night and you expect a beautiful party to begin soon. You can already hear laughter and voices from the garden.

There are a few plants arranged around a small fountain that is bubbling quietly into a round basin in the middle of the room and there is a small table with several glasses and a decanter containing a dark red fluid. A servant is standing beside the table ready to offer you an aperitif to welcome you in the house of his master.

As you enjoy your drink, savoring each precious drop, you notice a thick leatherbound book on the table with a pen lying next to it. The book is engraved with golden letters that say "Gästebuch".

credits: and because I am such a lazy person I have to give credits to uhm Patrick for adapting this perl script to a usable size and to someone somewhere some of whose ideas for his guestbook I just stole.


Sonja's Guestbook





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When you turn the pages of the book you find entries of all the guests that have signed the book and left messages to their host. Some seem more friendly then others. And there are several that do make absolutely no sense but they are all following a common scheme that you can make out beyond the gibberish some contain.