Works of art, in my opinion, are the only
objects in the material universe to possess
internal order, and that is why, though I
don't believe that only art matters, I do
believe in Art for Art's sake.
E. M. Forster

Durlacher Allee 28

S(onja) A(gi) U(li)

this page is dedicated to the "WG" in Durlacher Allee 28 ( Sonja, Uli and Agi) and we still need a name like MOPPE "the WG" or "K1", so please help us find something fitting. Contributions by Uli or Agi are most welcome!

here you will find a few helpful things:

( events calendar | people log | drink log | drink stock | whoiswho | ourhobbies )

events coming up:

26/08/99: Werewolf One Shot mit den Mage/Vampire Leuten

27/08/99: Agi's Birthday?

29/08/99: Uli's Birthday

people log

14/08/99: gerhard, stefan m., natascha, steffen

15/08/99: bettina, gerhard

16/08/99: bettina, gerhard, stefan m.

17/08/99: bettina?, micha

18/08/99: -

19/08/99: Gerhard, Psycho

20/08/99: Bettina, Steffen, Micha

21/08/99: Bettina

22/08/99: Bettina

23/08/99: Bettina

24/08/99: Bettina, langsam wird es Zeit das Jutta und Gerhard wiederkommen!

25/08/99: just fading away?

26/08/99: werewolf: gerhard daniel willi psycho steffen, [+jutta bettina]

27/08/99: agis birthday im vogelpark: jutta agi muzz simone psycho stefan gerhard sonja jan patrick daniel ludwig elin natascha steffen sabine stefan david micha marcus andrea michael, ??

28/08/99: Uli Party: Jutta, Bettina, Gerhard, Jule, Psycho, David, Daniel, Natascha, Stefan M., Andrea, Marcus, Martin, Daniel, Rolland, Anja, Sabine, Stefan V., Micha, Ludwig, Elin, Leute aus Buehl, Max, ?

29/08/99: Jutta, Gerhard

30/08/99: just fading away?

31/08/99: star wars in der kamera: uli bettina micha natascha andrea daniel daniel sonja gerhard psycho marcus n. david? (14), [jan armin jutta und agi in der schauburg]

01/09/99: kochen mit Bettina und Gerhard

02/09/99: rpg bei alex

03/09/99: Jutta

04/09/99: Gerhard, Jutta

05/09/99: Gerhard, Jutta, Daniel und Frau(?), Psycho

06/09/99: Gerhard, Alex


drink log

14/08/99: kir royal, cidre

16/08/99: chateauneuf du pape 1996, campari orange, wodka orange, irish single malt

17/08/99: whisky sahne likoer

19/08/99: Sekt

21/08/99: Gruener Tee

28/08/99: Tannezaepfle, Kitzmann, Ouzo, Wein(liste kommt noch), mehr Bier

06/09/99: Montepulciano Abbuzze mit anschliessendem Schauburgbesuch.


tequila silver, absolut wodka, cointreau, amaretto, creme de cassis, rum 40%, rum 50%, cognac, kirschwasser, bacardi, irish single malt, grenadine, apricot brandy, porto(?), more whiskey?, milk, orange juice, montepulciano, more wine, campari, volvic, mineral water, coke, soy sauce, tabasco, worcester sauce, vinegar (multiple), kitzmann and no more ouzo since psycho's last visit. green tea (no not five)


secondary bewohners:

bettina likes to cook in our kitchen or study in Uli's room
jutta likes to eat and laugh with Agi, famous quote: "Was machst du denn hier Sonja?"
gerhard likes to visit Uli and eat Sonja's chocolate

other people:

stefan m. - likes to play incubation on Sonja's computer
psycho - likes to drink Uli's Kitzmann and Agi's Ouzo
natascha - likes to clean up our kitchen?
steffen - likes to have birthday while Sonja's getting older

our hobbies:

uli: paint, eat chocolate, tickle bettina, eat cheese, drink wine, read books by Max Frisch, do things that never get done, simple be bettuli, have long hair, play Mahjongg, get calls from his family.

agi: whistling (loud), eating soft eggs with bread in a cup, drink and spill coffee, laugh, read terry pratchett and become an expert, eat chocolate, speak klingon backwards, watch tv(no more), play guitar (well practice to), play Freecell.

sonja: read books, buy books, eat chocolate, play computer games, play rpgs, write mails and homepages, talk on the phone and do silly stuff, drink wine, play with snakes, eat more chocolate and get fat, get older while Steffen has birthdays, be lazy.