Odysée Of The Empty PenMy pen doesn't write.I see the ink, but it is empty - hysterical emptiness... My thoughts won't come out! I am stuck in ink. The thoughts swirl, begging to be released, threatning exothermic explosions but trapped - not enough energy. The process stops, uncontrolled - energy alert!!! But how do I get enough energy to release the rainbows in my head - floating, flying, crying in my head...? Maybe flying colors can't be written with a colorless pen... boredom's cruel victory comes close - very close... how do I stop it? grey colorless black eats me - I run and scream: The pen is dead! What will I do?! the pressure is high... My head is full, but my pen is empty! no hope will ever relieve my pain - this neverending headache that keeps me awake forever... What should I do - what can I do? Stop asking those questions! This rythm in my head is driving me crazy - insane Well if the pen is useless... HOW 'BOUT USING A CRAYON? A two-minded poem invented by Alessia and Sonja copyright 1994 | |
Two Poems | ||
I don't feel anything I am empty my heart is mute no more butterflies my stomach calmed down. I came down from the heights. all of a sudden the flight was over I landed back on steady ground no more danger but I landed in the desert with no destination where am I going? what is my goal? or am I just waiting in the airport for my connection to paradise? 2. coming down from the mountains fast and sudden like lightning. it was the end of the day the magical time between life and death twilight crawling up the beach brutally and unstopable. the wind is taking you away from my side blows you out into the deep darkness of the city. and I am standing alone on the beach watching the waves in the storm rolling desperately to reach land falling back lonely. I miss you. and the storm gains force it is wild and I can't control it. one tear rolls down my soul as I think of you the storm reminds me of you. I laugh I dance as it starts raining softly slowing down the wind. |
A cyclus of three poems:1.THE END it's over finally - I left everything. now slowly realizing while walking down this neverending pathway through the starring crowd THAT I LEFT - I am alone, lost! strange thoughts capture my mind, fear crawls into my soul. one year seems like eternity maybe it is eternity? ...reaching my seat, I sit down. I am looking out of the window there! on the terrace waving hands - they can't see me. the distance is too far already... 2. a new start the beginning was tough, and it was hard to leave the former warmth and safety, to jump into the cold river of life - with ist far away banks. out there - far beyond your reach - and the horizon is fleeing from you. there are you - thrown into this deep cold water insecure and easily hurt, with no ground and no reliance than yourself. there are you - left to find your own way back to the sea, while the water's dark melody is playing in your soul. when the mists lie over the water, the whole world vanishes into one feeling of fear. the shadows of the trees out there grow darker and gloomier. 3. IN THE GROVE sometimes in a silent night, you can hear nothing - but the light whistling of the wind, among the trees. then as you listen - for a long time... a short, quiet sound may reach your ear, lighter - than the whispering of the trees. can you hear it - ? from time to time, lonely and forgotten -left! in the gloomy grove out there. did you ever - try to find out who cried out for your help, out in the woods? did you ever go out to help somebody? lost in this dark labyrinth of trees in the middle of mankind needing you - just you... |
snowfall silence reigns the mountains an occasional noise breaks the ban crippled trees along its way millions of crystals cover the land a single colored quilt shaping a new world until the sun only shadows haunt the silence death in endless shades of white the circle closes |
meeting you grasping the air words stumble into hollow phrases I fall, a tear unnoticed the ceiling circles my eyes cravingly and world is a faraway place - a touch I stare at a face meaningless now my heart only feels the empty pain as you become grey laughter around me. | |
sobald ER hereinkommt und die Tür schliesst - hinter sich (kein Entkommen), dann geht das Chaos erst los - die Hölle. RUHE selten dringt ein Laut, Wort an mein Ohr - monotones Rauschen im Äther störend. falsche Frequenz ?!? WAS KÖNNEN WIR DARAUS SCHLIESSEN nichts oder gibt es weniger ? DU ich habe einen Namen !!! oft frage ich mich - als einziger ? - was soll das alles ? gibt es Sinn - los- gelöste, selbständige Philosophie eigene, falsche Meinung alles ist völlig über- flüssig, flüssiger DIE FORM IST UNBEKANNT enervierende Präzision Ich will nach Hause !!! 5 SILBEN BETONT weg von hier KAFKA wozu? |
Erinnerung Vor mir die verlassnen Gärten - ein leerer Brunnen - erinnernd an alte Zeiten. Wo einst sprudelnd Wasser floß - zu Zeiten höchsten Glücks - wächst nun Moos. Verhüllend des Marmors Risse, deckt die alten Wunden zu. Ende
nie den ausgang findend - eingesperrt ein augenblick vergeht im nichts der ewigkeit der tod geht vorüber, erlösend Licht grell reflektiertes Licht grausame Helligkeit in den Augen brennend - weiß erhellt jeden Schatten drinkt staubgleich in den letzten Winkel, in jedes Versteck DU schließt mühsam die Augen, doch immer noch spürst DU es - gleich körperlichem Schmerz mit unendlichem GLeichklang ohne Ende es durchleuchtet DICH - DEIN Inneres legt es bloß DU stehst wie auf einer Plattform völlig alleingelassen in der Einsamkeit allen schonungslosen Blicken ausgesetzt, aller Neugier die DICH verschlingt wehrlos und kein Ende bringt die Erlösung! | |
düster und dunkel ragt er über uns hinaus beobachtet uns entladung drückend feuchte Luft aufatmend erste Blitze wohltuend Regen abend Sonnenuntergang blutroter düstrer Himmel versinkend im Nichts morgen leis - erste Strahlen zeigen sich am Horizont sacht kommt der Tag |
old house the ruins of the old house there on the hill stand lonely and forgotten stones are breaking and cracking falling falling falling apart lost in their history burnt down built up destroyed rebuilt bombed ruins smoking still no memories life left a long time ago birds and insects animals find their way come back once in a while greeting shortly speechless meaningless there is no sense, nothing left on the hill than PAST. | |
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Einsamkeit Wind, fast Sturm wühlt das Meer auf weißsprühende Gischt schäumt zwischen Felsen Nebel verdeckt die Sicht schluckt jeglichen Laut jeder Schatten - unendlich weit fort. nach Hause ich will nach Hause durch die graue Tür ins Freie gehen in den hellen Sonnenschein aus der grauen Langeweile hinaus aus dem Einerleilevel in die Freiheit um zu singen um zu tanzen um zu schreien aus dem Chaos ohne Sinn in die Grenzenlosigkeit in die Grenzenlosigkeit der Welt da draussen ich will nach Hause nur weg von hier von sabbelnder Monotonie verfolgt - weg von hier denn zu Hause ist es - besser! besser - von Sonja Pieper uns Sebastian Sicheneder | |
Conscious of Life As days go down the river of eternity I am standing at the shore, watching my life pass. Dawn is long gone by I am still standing here - on the banks of the world. The sun has risen high, has torn the veil of clouds before my eyes. Despite all wisdom I am still lingering Afraid to let go of myself. I am waiting, just like the rest of the crowd While the winds mourn us, And the cold air cuts through us, dividing me and you. I believe to be different to protect myself, I think I know better though The looks that burn my false pride weaken me slowly. My deeds have caught me in the neverending wheel of life, Where fate is torturing me patiently - from dawn to dusk. At night dreams of you are haunting me, Condemning me to sleepless mourning. I should force myself, I know. I should go out to seek the danger I am avoiding. It isn't danger, it is the fear of NO. | |
langsam fließt Schwarz ins Meer - kalt und grausam wacht der Mond über dem unendlichen Ozean der wehrlos klagen muß Tränen gefrieren eisblau aus Tiefen aufsteigend, untergehend ungekannt und ungesehen umspült Trauer die sterbenden Felsen einsam, drohend vor dem Himmel erstickend in schwarzen Schatten Zeit läßt Ewigkeit verstreichen gequält ein letzter Todesschrei aus dunklem Grab - eine Warnung ungehört im Nichts verhallend. |
America you talk positive, you talk great long hours, on and on you are so good, no good; you couldn't hurt any one. you would never do THAT, so sensibel and considerate that is you, you are perfect - ionnist? we fall for it and we love you. how come you make me cry all the time? you are so open-minded open for all who come for your help but you meet your quotas you are so correct that is protection of your cultural relations we are all racists struggling to please you the surface is all you see, all you notice you are so damn self-centered. peacemaker of the world - nice title! you enter every war making it worse. can't say NO to yourself mess around with everyone else'S affairs you get enough attention when you mourn your dead well they're gone, the problem is still here! you are so great and you know it. you can accuse others of suppressing democracy; they are anti-democractic you are anti-everything no war is as violent as you are ! you pretend you know me and you make yourself believe NOT ME. NOT. you determine what I do. drug yourself with control of my life - so what when I say NO.? of course you will have an answer I can't stand criticism! oh really? positivism is negative and I care a fucking shit you congratulate everyone but me. to hell with it - I am so bad. you do what you want, always sometimes I am grown up, you treat me that way I am still a child that is hurting when you yell across the ocean of loneliness I am so bad - but I am happy! I can live that way - just leave me alone. | |
My friends
I dare notice a familiar face a smile appears on my lips, saying hi quietly shy aren't you gonna answer? remember yesterday? when we were friends. we talked. we were so close. I trusted you. today I find you were just using me while I believed in friendship and a little selflessness I am an idealist you are an opportunist do we cancel each other? I believe you try hard avoiding your own evil prophecies, are you? the illness - I am afraid so - is incurable! I would have done anything but the impossible now you committed treason calling me a traitor, where you truly are the hidden renegade I pity you. I try to - at least. To save myself from being disappointed by a flying mood once more. trying not to hate. get out of the circle! it is my fault that things never change people don't change I should have known well then I will change to other people new friends find new hope I will find them. loneliness is cruel and unnecessary being just a peripheral asteroid in your spheres I'll vanish in a black hole. somewhere in eternity I will disappear amongst the crowd of strangers until I see another familiar face creeping towards me to crush me under neglection just until someone recognizes me |
Another hour Alone I am thinking I am drinking I cannot stop Time Goes By So Evermore - Slowly You are my Angel Wake me up From this Night From this Dream That I do not dream. |