A list of links, which is obligatory, or isn't it?
I will try to comment most of the links.
Unknown Armies Links
... meaning links that have something to do with the
game, either games, resource pages or campaign pages. I was
sad to find out that some of those pages have been taken
down. (Doug Stalkers Page)
Oh and: I have not had time to READ all that
stuff ... though I plan to read ALL the campaign pages
hopefully soon.
Atlas Games
Unknown Armies Links: the links collection on the official
UA homepage at Atlas Games, most of those links will not appear
in my list, there is some nice stuff linked there, definitely
worth a try.
Mori UA: some interesting material, avatarstuff, magick stuff
and more
Google Open Directory UA Category: contains most of
the links from the Atlas page but maybe more will follow.
Mailinglist: a great mailinglist, the authors are on it, there is
not too much traffic, and the material posted there is definitely worth
Unknown Armies Deutsche Uebersetzung:
in January 2005 the German translation will be published. Buy one!
The New
Inquisition: a campaign page with a lot of summaries, obviously
this campaign centers around TNI. I have read some of the stuff which
is very nice. GM: Andy Shultz.
The All-Seeing Eye Ball Kid
A very nice page by Dylan Craig, which also has some UA stuff hidden
on it: The Book of Lies - a campaign and a separate GM section.
Hybrid Delta Green
Unknown Armies Campaign by James Knevitt, looks nice so far ...
Tims UA Game: a campaign page with session summaries, I hope
that this page is going to contain more sessions soon.
Infinite Monkey
Productions by Doug Stalker, the page
is currently down, but I hope it will be back up in a few days.
The Dark
Adapted Eye an Unknown Armies campaign page by Steven Howard with
Campaign Log.
UA Campaign Page,
some players put this campaign page up, there are very very detailed
descriptions of the PCs and a few campaign logs. GM: Liam Routt
Thematically related material
Crimelibrary: a resource
page on crime, famous crimes and criminals and everything to do with -
did I say it: crime!
Gifte.de: a German page about
poisons found in plants and animals and how to treat poisoning.
Prime Pages: a very
nice page about primes. Very useful for all those numerologists and
other interested people. May be only of peripheral use for UA but
as an obsession it definitely qualifies ...
Invisible House: A
Crowley'ist occult website, nicely done, easily usable for your
campaign's Crowley Cabal. The site is often down though, so try more
than once.
Keirsey: an interesting page
with 'personality tests' which might be useful for getting ideas,
for fleshing out characters or even for finding archetypes?
The Skeptics Dictionnary: very
cool collection about all kinds of weird stuff people believe or
don't believe. Good source for ideas.
Grimoires: A rather weird
occult page about magick books
Esoteric Archives: yet
another occult page
DISCLAIMER: Unknown Armies is copyright and trademark
Greg Srolze and John Tynes, used under license by Atlas Games.
The Atlas Games logo is a trademark of John Nephew. The use of these
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